Booty, Booty, Booty and Booty. One more....booty! Sorry, I just had to get 
that out. Today class, we will be discussing the term "booty call". Now, for all you old timers out there, don't worry..I am going to explain. According to Wikipedia, a "booty call" is a telephone call, other communication, or 
visitation made with the sole intent of engaging in sex or other forms of sexualrelease with the person being contacted. Oh, gotta love some sexual releases,  eh?

These days it seems to be totally appropriate when two people get together just to have sex with no strings attached. Sometimes problems arise when one of the two doesn't now that they are actually a booty call. I'm not pointing fingers at the men or the women. Women are just as capable today of having a booty buddy as men are. But (and this is a big but) men handle 'booty calls' better than women. A recent study was done claiming that most women that did have 'booty calls' did it because they thought that there might be hopes for some sort of long-term relationship. Dummies. Hey, I'm one of those dummies.  After it was said and done, they usually ended up feeling used and dirty. Take a bath and wash your parts, please.

So, it plays out like this. You see a hot chic/dude at the bar. You make eye contact all night. You end up downing a bunch of booze and dancing the night away. Before you know it, you're in the bedroom screaming each others name....wait, did you even catch each other's name? You bump nasties and it's over. Congratulations, you just put yourself into the 'booty call' category.  "Tell them what they've won Bob!" The two of you exchange numbers...let the games begin! So, months go by and the two of you are still getting freaky and one of you has the brilliant idea to ask the question, "Are you just using me for sex?".

Let's just cut to the chase here. I don't want to draw this out any longer than I have to. I'd rather go straight to the juice than pussy foot around. Do you want to know if the person you have been having late night escapades with is using you for sex? Ever wonder if you are just a booty call? Are you trying to turn what began as a booty call into something like ...say..a "relationship"? 

Here are some big clues to help you figure out if you are getting used or not.  Don't cry if you are. You won't be the first and you definitely won't be the last. I apologize in advance for being so damn blunt.

They Don't Call Before 11:00 pm: You have probably caught on by now that your sex partner only calls during the night. You probably actually are used to it by now so you might be staying up late hoping that the phone rings.  Why "wouldn't" they call any earlier? They really have nothing to say besides "Let's do it".  If they really cared about you and your vagina/penis, they would call to check in on you to see how things were going. No call before 11:00 pm=  Not interested. It might be a booty call if someone does not call you during "normal" business hours.

They Don't Meet You In Public Places: Yes, it feels shameful. I mean, why wouldn't anyone want to be seen in public with you? You're hot! Booty buddies do not hang out at coffee shops together. They do not stroll through the park and they do not pass go nor do they collect their $200. If you have asked your sex toy to meet up with you during the day and they make excuses, you might 
just be a booty call. So, it might be a booty call if you only seem them at night, in the dark and under the covers. Get it?

They Only Call When They Are Drunk: People that only see you as a 'booty call' are famous for drunk dialing. Don't be surprised if they are drunk every single time you sleep with them. Why? Who knows, maybe they don't have the balls to do it sober because they know they are using you and they have somewhat  of a conscious, or not. Look, when people are drunk, people are horny and when  people are horny they make a 'booty call'. It might be a booty call if someone  calls you slurring their speech saying "I want some nooky".

They Don't Spend Money On You: I take that back, it was actually $15.00 for that double pack of condoms they bought. You are using condoms right? I mean, if you are even 'thinking' that you might be a booty call then you probably are which means you aren't the only booty call they have. Don't be 
expecting to go out on a date with Mr. Sex, it's not going to happen. Yes, he might meet up with you at the bar but that's only so he can throw a few back before he throws you in the bed. It might be a booty call if he avoids spending fifty cents on you. Hey, you're worth more than that.

There Is No Emotional Discussion: Well, duh and double duh. There is no emotional discussion but you might be thinking they are holding back. Yes, they are holding back from the emotional conversation, like forever. What's so emotional that y'all need to talk about? The only thing they are going to want to talk about is the position y'all are going to do next. It might be a booty call if there is never any discussion about emotions or commitment.

They Won't Take You Around Friends & Family: If you are,in fact, just a booty call..you will never meet the friends and family. You will be the best kept secret from every one. Believe me, not the best feeling in the world.  They don't plan on dating you, courting you ..only sleeping with you so there is no reason for them to risk getting grilled by family members because of you. It might be a booty call if you have never meet the friends and family of Mr./Mrs. Sex.

Warning: I am about to break it down Dr. Phil style.

First of all, don't ever sell yourself short by sleeping with someone on the first date or the first night you meet them. You are setting yourself up to be a booty call. Believe me, if you sleep with them the first night they are going to think you do that with everyone else and they are not going to want you 
long-term. "You can't turn a ho into a house wife"..err, something. Please have more respect for yourself, unless you (yourself) are just looking for a booty call. If that's the case, then more power to you but be careful. If you are a woman, we have this little thing called emotions that come into play.

You see, men have a talent of seeing sex as just...well sex. It's just an  'action'. It's a great way to have fun and get a stimulating release. Most men can have sex with a woman and not get emotionally attached because it's just...sex. Now women, on the other hand, we can go into it thinking and knowing it's just sex but come out asking, "Why doesn't he like me". I mean, hello...we knew it from the beginning and we still got sucked in. It's extremely hard for  us to separate sex and intimacy. We all long to be held, caressed, wanted and loved. Holy shit, I just had an idea. Why don't you find someone that likes you for who you are and then the two of you can have all the sex you want? You won't have to worry about whether or not they are going to call you or whether or not you are a booty call! I know, if only it were that simple. *sigh*

Many women have not caught on to the fact that men will not like you more because you sleep with them. Sleeping with them so soon does just the opposite.  Just because they will not pass up the chance to sleep with you doesn't mean they care about you or like you. I mean, if I were a man..I wouldn't pass it up either but I'm not calling you in the morning. Oh and after we do the nasty I  would say, "Hey, I'll call you" but I never would unless I was horny again.  Dammit, I should have been a man. Peni Rule!

So, if you have any question as to whether or not you are a 'booty call', 9 times out of 10..you probably are. There's nothing wrong with being a booty call as long as you know it's a booty call. If you are starting to feel dirty and used, you need to shut it down. This will only damage you and tinker with your self-esteem. You'll start asking questions like, "Why doesn't he like me?", "Why am I not good enough for her to date?", "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" You deserve more and you deserve better. Put your big girl panties on (or your big boy boxers) and be confident. Please hold on to your goods for someone who deserves them and who will appreciate them. They (the goods) weren't made to be handed out like Halloween candy. If you respect yourself and your sex candy, pretty soon so will the opposite sex.

Lindsay Renee has been dating and studying relationships for nearly 15 years. She likes to state the facts and has no problem keeping it real.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lindsay_P

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2115945

tags: booty call, are you a booty call, am i a bootycall, bootycall


Why is Having Cute Names To Call Your Girlfriend So Important?

This is another one of those little secrets you can you use to create a deep  emotional bond with your girlfriend. It makes your relationship more personable, intimate and oh so special. Almost everyone is known by two names; their legal  name given at birth and then their nickname that family and friends know them  by. But then there is that special love zone between two lovers. Inside this  secretly guarded zone, couples share numerous things and one of them is a cute  name or cute names for each other.

The dynamics created by this special distinction is amazing. It makes the  relationship more romantic and affectionate. It endears two people together  because they share something special that virtually no one else is privy to. For the women, it makes her FEEL extraordinary, knowing that her boyfriend thought  about her and decided to share his FEELINGS by crowning her with a cute name  specially designed for her and for her alone.

How Should You Come With Cute Names To Call Your Girlfriend?

Start first by thinking about her qualities and what drew you to her. What  about her eyes, her face, her voice, her body, her booty, her breast, her laugh, her smile, her charm, her wit, her legs, her kiss, her aroma, her touch and how you feel when you hold her. Think about her sensuality, her humor and how you  feel when you're holding her hands, embracing or just looking deep into her  eyes. Come up with names that resemble her personality.

It's not hard to create cute names for your girlfriend when you think about  those things. Also, to simplify things, you could break down names into  categories such as cute names, affectionate names, adorable names, sexy names,  sensual names and erotic names. To help get your creative mind flowing in the  right direction, I've provided a short list of cute names to call your  girlfriend with their meanings.

Baby - There's no explanation needed on this one, women love it when you call them baby

Baby Doll - she so beautiful, she looks unreal, like a cute little doll

Cupcake - this is a cute way to say, "You're delicious!"

Cutie Pie - remember the song, "Cutie Pie?" Enough said!

Darling - This is a term of endearment that's embraced by almost all  women

Delicious -you're saying her kiss amongst other things is oh so sweet

Honey - do I really need to define this one?

Honey Bun - another sexy name referring to a woman with a FINE booty

Jelly Booty - You're saying she has a FINE booty and, "I like the way you  shake it!"

Pudding - you're saying she gives you a sweet feeling all over

Sexy - you're saying that she excites and arouses you

Strawberry - women love this name because it makes them feel succulent

Sugar - this is another one of those names that says it all

Sunshine - you're saying that she brightens your day, life and world

Sweetheart - This is one of the top cutest names to make any girlfriend feel  very special

Sweetie - you're saying she's sweet like candy

Sweetie Pie - you're saying her love box is sweet like honey

When coming up with cute names to call your girlfriend, the rule is be  creative, be affectionate, be romantic, be sensual and be unique. Of course,  some of the names I just shared with you are timeless, tried and true names women worldwide will always adore!

What We've Got: Hot Dating Tips To Help You Easily Attract, Approach, Pick 
up, Seduce and Keep The Girl of Your Dreams. You Won't Find This Kind of Advice 
Anywhere Else, Not For Free.

Who It's For: ANY GUY Who Desires to Be a LADIES MAN; I'm Talking About The 
Kind of MAN Women Adore and Kind of MAN Women Can't Resist!

How To Get It NOW!: Simply Click on the
Cute Names To Call Your
Link and Get Ready To Make  Her Melt In Your Arms.

Kenneth 'Duce' Burton was a geek without hope. He was destined to be a shy  40-year-old virgin. That was until he immersed himself into learning how to  attract and approach women. When he emerged from his training, he instantly  became a babe magnet. He was so successful that friends, school buddies and  admirers were desperate to pay him to learn his techniques and tricks. He  eventually launched one of the hottest and most successful guides for picking up women and seducing hot girls and the rest is history. Visit the site guys can't get enough of at:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kenneth_Burton

tags: online booty call, online bootycall, booty, fine booty, booty fascination, urfantasy, urfantasy booty, ashley madison booty, hook up with ashley madison


A lot of guys prefer women that are older.  But it can be hard to attract and seduce an older woman. 

In this video, you'll learn the secrets to attracting a more mature woman.

The bottom line, just do it - put away your fear and go for it.  Remember, no pain, no gain.

tags: how to seduce a cougar, dating older women


Speed Dating for guys in their 20s and 30s that want to meet older women...

This is really nothing new, women have been doing it for centuries - dating older guys that is.

Why shouldn't younger men have the opportunity to play with established, successful older women.  It's basically no strings attached fun.

Ashley Madison has an entire wevbsite, with 100,000's of women willing to play the Cougar role.

tags: cougar dating, ashleymadison, dating older women


Stop missing out on solid opportunities with women!

A lesson from Marni on how to spot when a woman is giving the help me eyes to her friends. 

Stop women from doing this to you!

tags: dating tips, dating women


Here's a dilemma: spoke to a guy today and he told me his story.

He came home from work one day and his wife was gone.  I don't mean missing, I mean she left him and went back to her parents.  No fault on his part, she just has issues.

What's a guy to do in such circumstances?  Go to the nearest liquor store and tie one on?  I'm sure he did that as well, but the big thing here is what to do when one would like some female company

In his case the wife is not coming back, ever.  She has some issues with trust, deep psychological issues sounds like.  He is hurt and under no circumstances will take her back.

Looking for another women to replace her under these circumstances is a no go at this point, there's still too much hurt and pain.  

So what can he do when he'd like some female company?  He really doesn't want to go thru the bar scene, spend the time courting, get a girl off the street, etc.

Probably the easiest to do is go online and check out websites such as urfantasy to see what to do and how to hook up for that short period of intimacy.  A no hassle, no strings attached meeting.  Meet her, have some fun and it's over.

The best way to do this is to do a search online for dating sites catering to whatever your preference may be.  Sign up at the site, surf through the ladies and contact one or more.

See where it goes.  Some websites, ashleymadison for example, cater strictly to people who are interested solely in others who are willing to cheat on their spouses.  Probably the easiest sex to get.

But no matter what your preference their is a site out there which can hook you up.  Some sites are free while others will cost you some $$s.

Does cost really matter?  You will probably spend less to hook up on these websites than you woyuld in your local bar!

Anyway, check out some of our offerings by clicking here


Online dating is very popular today, some studies indicate that over 50% of people under 30 do some online dating every month.

The great thing about online dating is you can be whoever you want.  You can be tall, you can be short, you can be old or young, bald or fat.  You create yourself, you create an image of yourself which you believe the other person will be attracted to.

The problem is - when you actually meet that person you may ruin it by being someone totally different than the person they though you were and expected to meet.

If you think you are going to meet the girl in the picture (to the left top) then you may be disappointed.  I got this picture online & posted it here because, frankly,  she looks goood.

Who knows what she looks like in real life, who knows if this picture is a true picture of her,  photoshop you know!

There are three things you should watch out for when dating online, not only from you but also her:

1. Misleading photo
2. Shaving off those years
3. Being someone else

to read more about online dating   click here


Perfect Girlfriend
Ahh, the perfect girlfriend.  We all wish we had one, some of us actually doubt that such a creature exists.

You know who I'm talking to!

But, they do exist.       Really!?

The video below shows just such a perfect girlfriend.
She doesn't care what you look like. 

She doesn't care that you spend all your time with your friends.

She doesn't care that you...

Well, anyway check it out.

tags:  perfect girlfriend, hot girlfriend

Happy New Year!

...to all! 

That means you too!